Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 4 exercises on RSS and Newsreaders

RSS - Really Simple Syndication, which is a free online newsreader.
I have set up a Bloglines account, add 'feeds' on '' =

Checked my flickr account tonight

There are so many account names and passwords need to be remembered, since I started to learn the Library 2.0. Sometimes, it's just frustrated to recall them. Anyhow, I cut and past my flickr website here
to make a shortcut to access it.

Hills End wrote in A Journey of Discovery: On Writing for Children (1975)

Real adventure belongs to us. Being ordinary and inept are acceptable qualities, they give meaning to achievement. There must be contrasts within oneself. One must know weakness to know strength. One must be scared to be brace. Adventure is simply experience; the mistakes often meaning more than the successes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Take annual leaves during school holidays

Took the kids to the Melbourne museum today. We saw the eels and fish swimming in the indigenous garden. Enjoy watching the Bunjilaka dance. The aborigines use the dance to tell their stories. Quite impressive.

Windy weather, but we had high spirit walking in the city. Download a few photos to my Flickrs. Hope it works. Bye.