Thursday, November 22, 2007

# 23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...书山有路、学海无涯

What a web discovery journey! I am glad that I meet the deadline of this training and also finished all of my TAFE assignments at the same time. Now, I am standing in front of a new starting line...

What my favourite discoveries in Library 2.0 program are Wiki and LibraryThing. LibraryThing makes 'cataloguing' so much fun and easy. I am thinking to create a bilingual wiki in English and Chinese next year, connect my Chinese workers network and each party's resource together; create a Chinese community event calender linked it to the wiki; then introduce this wiki to our Chinese customers.

Never give up learning. Apply what I learnt in helping others is my life goal. Thanks to the Library 2.0 program, which tested my value and my action plan.

Share with you a beautiful Chinese Lyric

绿岛小夜曲 - The Green Island Serenade - 史逸欣 by Vienna Teng

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

# 22 Downloadable audio books

It is an exciting adventure to me to explore the eAudiobooks from the NetLibrary and the Overdrive digital media services. I have watched their online demos; read the featured library partners' websites (mainly in USA); impressed with their large collection and the well designed promotion tools. It looks like some of the USA public libraries are far ahead of us by providing the digital resources to their patrons.

This is also my second time to see the database of Dragon Source (Chinese language) Magazines and Periodicals. Hundreds of magazines are viewable online through the NetLibrary's website. Don't know how much the subscription fee will be. And hard to predict how the general readers at our public libraries would react to the digital magazines.

Enjoy listening to the first session of this free downloaded, MP3 format, human read, Hans Christian Anderson's 'The little Match Girl' audio book on my computer! Thanks to the World EBook Fair. I may download more books in the future.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

# 21 Podcasts

What I am confused with download the podcast is which destination is the right place.
I have tried three different ways:
(1) Pull the RSS to my Blogline account: 'woshuo' on
(2) Past the feed URL to this blog address (see the 'uncontrolled vocabulary' and the 'events of the friends of Minneapolis public library' on the right panel).
(3) Registered at Podshow
Wondered how other people download their interested podcasts? Will ask my colleagues when I go to work later today.

#19 Explore some of the Web 2.0 awards

I have tried a few award web tools, for examples, the bookmarking tool - Ma.gnolia (similar to, but not as versatile as; online self publishing tool - Lulu (It encourages writers to upload their manuscripts, photos or digital files to to publish and sell to the online potential buyers. It's probably more appealing to the writers than to the readers I guess.); communication tool - Meebo ( is a website for instant messaging. People can also use it to access their Yahoo, MSN, Google talk, aim instant messages as well.); mapping tool - Google Maps (wonderful tool. I can use it to prepare my driving route, or simply use it to locate an address on earth).

There are too many tools are available online, most of them are free. The big question is 'Do we have time to use them all?'

Thursday, November 15, 2007

#20 YouTube, free express with audio and visual effects

YouTube search engine is easy to use. Choose a topic, it brings you a variety of free video clips, some are good, some are bad. The Birmingham public library has used it to promote their digital resources and other services in the web world. I bet many people won't know a modern public library can offer so much more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#15 My thought of Library2.0

Library 2.0 training program like a bunch of keys suddenly given into my hands. Being a lucky receiver, I wondered and explored the difference among the keys (the web tools), and try to remember which key is for open which door. Behind each opened door, this is a new world, not totally strangely new, but the combination and mutation make me feel excited.

As a learner and an information worker, my goal is to be able to wisely use the web tools, then share what I know and use them into serve the public at my library.

Reading the recommended articles make me aware of how behind I am of this information technology revolution. Harry up, need to devote regular time in my daily life to learn and use the new things.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#14 Technorati

Have my blog/blogspot officially listed on Technorati on 13/11/2007.

Technorati Profile

Add to Technorati Favorites

#12 Roll my own search tool with Rollyo

I have created my online shopping searchrolls for the Christmas, plus a few selected starter search engines, I have added them to the right panel of my blog. By using the searchrolls, I guess I can save time to check each website individually to look for a present.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

#Week 8: Online Applications & Tools

Exercise of uploading my word document to Google Docs.

As the deer pants for the water

So my soul longs after you

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship you






You alone are my strength and shield

To you alone may my spirit yield

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship you





I want you more than gold or silver

Only you can satisfy

You alone are the real joy giver

And the apple of my eyes






You alone are my strength and shield

To you alone may my spirit yield

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship you





You're my friend and you are my brother

Even though you are a king

I love you more than any other

So much more than anything

禰是我好朋友, 我兄弟





You alone are my strength and shield

To you alone may my spirit yield

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship you



